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Bullying is not a new problem. In fact, most of us can remember a time when we were either bullied, witnessed bullying or participated in bullying another. However, the school shootings in the late 90’s drew greater attention to this issue. Schools, parents, law enforcement and the mental health profession realized the impact bullying has on not only the student who is bullied or the student who bullies, but on the entire school population. There is good news. Bullying can be addressed and prevented. Find out more.
Below are websites with information for teachers and parents:
Below are excellent resources (PDF documents) related to bullying prevention, school climate and cyber bullying.
ADAPP’s own newsletters about bullying. They can be reproduced for parents, teachers and students.
Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy and Practice
Click on links below for information on preventing bullying for Youth, Parents, Teachers, etc.
Preventing Bullying – Teachers
Preventing Bullying – School Administrators