Covid-19 Helpful Resources
During this stressful and uncertain time, ADAPP will be sharing resources to help parents, care givers, teachers and students. These will be updated regularly.
See below:
Parent/Adult Resources
Click Here for multiple resources for parents during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Caring for Yourself in the Face of Difficult Work
"We Wear Masks" - Coronavirus Social Story about Wearing a Mask - Free Download.
Preparing for the Holidays during Covid-19.
Helping at Home-Tips for Parents
If you think your child, yourself or family member is experiencing something more than holiday blues, see the resources below for signs and symptoms children, teens and adults.
NY Project Hope Coping with Covid-19 - Recognizing & Coping with Stress for Children and Adolescents.
Gov. Cuomo just announced that 6,715 Mental Health Professionals have volunteered to provide free online mental health services to New Yorkers experiencing emotional trauma. If you are not feeling okay call: (844) 863-9314. Click Here for information.
Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Grief During Covid-19 - When your world is already upside down.
Supporting Children and Teens when a family member is dying in a hospital or care facility.
Facilitator Tip Sheet - Self-care planning.
Student Resources
NY Metro Parents - 50 Ideas for "At Home Fun"
Click Here for the "Covid-19 Time Capsule Workbook" for kids.
A free eBook, Everybody Worries - Written and illustrated by Jon Burgerman
Act of Kindness Bingo Card
YouTube Brain Breaks: Movement Break
YouTube Peace Out Guided Meditation
Mindful Ozzy: Intro to Mindfulness for Children in Grades K-2
Freeze Dance Game for Children K-2
Wash Your Hands Dance with Baby Shark
Mindfulness for Kids: What Does Being Present Mean?
Mindfulness for Kids: Learning About Our Thoughts
Two-Minute Mindfulness Relaxation for Kids
Camp Tuku Friendly Wishes Video
Rock a Stuffed Animal to Sleep Video
Crisis and Community Referrals
The official site of New York City
New York City Well – Talk, Text, Chat
Select the Mental Health Support and NYC Well button, which will take you to a website with user friendly instructions.
Click the NYC Well button which will take you to that website, on this website there are options for resources, and three options to seek support.
1. Call 888-692-9355
2. Text “Well” to 65173 to text with a counselor for support and
3. Chat now option where you can live chat for support to assist a person in a crisis.
If you are having an actual psychiatric emergency you must call 911.
COVID-19: FSW Resources and Support
Counseling, education, support and resources are in high demand in Westchester County during this time COVID-19 crisis. Click Here for the COVID-19 support that FSW have available including virtual therapy, grocery delivery and more.
Family and Case Management Support
Community resources are available for families in need of assistance. In addition, ACCESS NYC is an online public screening tool that you can use to determine the City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs for which you are potentially eligible to enroll. For families that live outside of NYC, you may use the similar screening tool myBenefits.
Grab & Go Meals - Click Here for Information.
Family Support Resources - The City of New York has developed a comprehensive list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance.